About Kris



Owner/ Founder/ Creator



Hi!!!! I'm Kris!! I am a homeschool mama of 3 and I've been married for almost 10 years to my best friend.
 I've been on a personal healing journey since as long as I can remember, maybe 15+ years or so.. I grew up with a lot of childhood trauma and I have always tried to learn, grow, and try various healing modalities so I could heal spiritually and mentally and more recently.. physically... because I really, truly believe that God created this life for us to find healing and be HAPPY. 

I'm obsessed with learning different things about my personality through astrology (I'm a pisces sun, sag moon & cancer rising) and  human design (manifesting generator). I enjoy cooking, gardening, reading and nature.

I'm originally from LA but moved to Utah in 2017.. I hated it at first because the culture was way different and the food wasn't LA's food but I got over myself and I love it now.. and the food is getting better! lol. 

I started making elderberry syrup when I became a first time mom.. I was really into clean, whole ingredients and wanted my babe to heal with natural remedies when possible. When we first moved to Utah my family wasn’t used to the dry climate and we were getting sick ALL OF THE TIME..  and I realized how hard it was to find affordable, all natural, organic products in Utah so with my grandmothers convincing..  I decided to make it my mission to make organic wellness affordable and accessible to all!  

I'm insanely passionate about sourcing the highest quality herbs, minerals and ingredients to help heal you and your families. My promise is to always provide affordable, high quality wellness products to help you heal. 

Thank you for being on this journey with me, it is my honor to serve you in this way!!  💕

Forever sending lots of love...